The preliminary schedule of events is shaping up like this:
Friday - August 15thMy first talk will be on Conophytum, a fairly speciose (almost wrote "specious") genus of compact leaf succulents from the winter-rainfall regions of South Africa. It's quite a diverse group, and includes a number of species of "living stone"--plants that are camouflaged like the local geology--as well as taxa that are specialized for growth on mossy rocks, some that are subterranean, and even a few dwarf shrubs. I'll discuss the plants as they grow in habitat, as well as how to keep them going under glass. Conos are my area of specialization and the subject of my dissertation, but I have to say that with Steve and Ernst in the audience, I'll feel a bit like a punk kid MBA giving a talk on running a successful computer company, with Bill Gates sitting in the front row.Saturday - August 16th
- 4:00 PM Glen Lord / Chris Allen - Succulent Bonsai
- 5:00 PM Fred Kattermann - The Genus Copiapoa
- 6:00 PM Matt Mattus - South African Bulbs
- 7:30 PM Welcome Social
Sunday - August 17th
- 8:30 Affiliates Meeting
- 9:00 AM Dennis Cathcart - Succulent Terrestrial & Lithophytic Bromeliads
- 10:00 AM Jerry Barad - Travelogue or Stapeliads
- 1:00 AM Ernst van Jaarsveld - Gasterias
- 12:00 PM Lunch
- 1:00 PM Fred Kattermann - The Cacti of Chile
- 2:00 PM Steve Hammer - Mesembs
- 3:00 PM Matt Opel - Conophytum
- 4:00 PM Panayoti Kelaidis - Succulents on Skis
- 5:15 PM Mark Dimmitt - C&S of Northern Mexico
- 7:00 PM Banquet social/cocktails
- 7:30 PM Banquet
- 9:00 PM Specimen Plant Auction
Monday - August 18th
- 8:00 AM Breakfast Social
- 9:00 AM Panayoti Kelaidis - Hardy C&S in Denver OR C&S of the Rockies
- 10:00 AM Mark Dimmitt - Adeniums
- 11:00 AM Panel Discussion - the gang
- 12:00 PM Lunch
- 1:00 PM Steve Hammer - Haworthias
- 2:00 PM Matt Opel - Nomenclature & Evolution
- 3:00 PM Ernst van Jaarsveld - Glories of the Veld
- 4:00 PM Conclusion ceremony
- 5:00 PM Conference ends
- 9:00 AM Optional tour to Boston
My second talk, on Nomenclature and Evolution, will be experimental; I've never presented anything similar before. I'll talk a bit about how plants receive their scientific names, about species concepts, and about how biologists investigate the evolutionary history of plant groups. But the meat of the presentation will be a series of case studies of situations where modern findings about the evolutionary relationships of succulent plants have forced changes that strike many hobbyists as gratuitously confusing. I will consider shocking consolidations in the mesembs, for example, and investigate the mysterious disappearance of the Asclepiadaceae (milkweed family), former home of the succulent stapeliads. Yeah, it'll probably be a good time for a Dunkin' Donuts run. I'll try to include some pretty plant photos to break up the hypnotic parade of phylogenetic trees, anyway.

Okay! Are you going to post any of your talk notes here on your blog? I'm especially interested in your thoughts on Nomenclature and Evolution!
I'll see what I can do, and will probably post a basic rundown of the convention after it finishes, anyway. My talk notes tend to be pretty cryptic-- a few words for each slide to remind me of what I need to talk about, scrawled on a bit of scrap paper.
Understood. Well, have fun at the convention.
How I wish I could be there!!!!! How exciting to be a speaker. I know you will be in heaven there, and I hope it is just wonderful. Meanwhile I will be sitting home and dreaming about it all.
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