Then, Fred Kattermann of New Jersey talked about Copiapoa, a genus of globular cacti from the extreme deserts on the coast of Chile. Fred had some really amazing photographs of the little guys clinging to rocks, sinking into clay and leaning out of the sun in habitat. Finally, Matt Mattus of the CSSM gave a charming presentation on a typical yearly cycle of growing Oxalis, Nerine, Clivia and other South African geophytes in his greenhouse.
Here are some photos from the show setup, which I should get back to...
Show setup in progress. Judging theoretically starts in one hour.
Good stuff for sale at the CSSM table, courtesy of the Sphaeroid Institute.
Some of the plants assembled for the auction tonight.
Ohhhh...all so wonderful. Nice photos...appreciate hearing and seeing what's happening there! The auction is one place I wish I could be...with my charge card!!!!!
Things have wrapped up now; the Con. was a really great time. Congratulations to the CSSM for pulling it off! More later...
I would have loved to have been there. Thanks for the wonderful pictures.
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