Monday, February 18, 2008


Last year, I was elected/conscripted to be vice president of the Connecticut Cactus and Succulent Society, a fine organization which everyone living in southern New England, with an interest in desert plants, should join. As part of my duties, I've taken to writing a monthly column for the CCSS newsletter. The newsletters are available to download as PDFs at the CCSS website, but I thought it might be useful to post some of my more general-interest columns in a more accessible format.

The backbone of this blog will be my newsletter writings, possibly padded out with extra text or photos that didn't make the cut for the newsletter itself. So, while it won't be worth checking every day, there should be new material here at the beginning of each month, at least. In addition, I'll probably have a random post now and then dealing with other botanical topics, when the urge strikes to write something that doesn't fit in with the contents of a cactus club newsletter.

I'll try to keep the jargon to a level suitable for the amateur grower or armchair botanist, but there may be occasional outbursts dealing with the evolution and epidermal micromorphology of the Mesembryanthemoideae, or some such. Overall, though, Burger's Onion should be accessible to the interested layman. Welcome!

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